Welcome to St Andrew's Church
St Andrew's is the parish church for the beautiful village of Ombersley, which lies within the Worcester Diocese of the Church of England.
We are a welcoming church with a variety of services and activities.
We are part of a Benefice of Seven parishes with Doverdale, Hartlebury, Elmley Lovett, Elmbridge, Hampton Lovett and Rushock,
How to find us : From the south: Take the Ombersley exit from the A449 Worcester to Kidderminster road. The church is on the left just before the village roundabout (post code: WR9 0EP). From the north take the slip road to Ombersley and turn right to go under the A449, and then left at the village roundabout. The spire is easily visible for miles around. Access is through the Lychgate - there is plenty of parking on the gravel drive around the church.
Currently Open Every Day from 10am until 5pm or dusk
No Service this coming Sunday at St Andrews
it will be at
11am at St James Hartlebury
Regular events at St Andrew's
Every Monday (except Bank Holidays)
‘Stay and Play’ for 0-3 year-olds and carers
9.30am to 11am
Contact 07837 928531 or Facebook 'Stay and Play Ombersley'
On the first Monday of the month at 7pm
a Bible Discussion Group meets in the Narthex
Anyone is welcome to attend.
On Wednesdays at 10am Ombersley Social Strollers set off from St Andrew's
and return for coffee afterwards - just turn up to join the walkers -
dogs on leads welcome
And on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month at 10-30am
do come along to 'Creative Coffee' bringing your knitting,
sewing or other crafts or just for coffee and a chat £2
On 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7pm
Ombersley Craft Club. £2.00
Just drop in or Check Facebook, Ombersley Craft Club
The weekly practice of saying Morning Prayer in one of the churches in the Benefice
will continue on Wednesday mornings at 9.15am
Our YouTube Channel will feature occasional services and special events, along with filmed funeral, wedding or baptism services (with permission)
Click HERE to visit it
Please do click the 'SUBSCRIBE' button (no payment required) as, if we get more than 100 subscribers, we can choose a more user-friendly URL for the site. Thank you.
Are you worried about something? Would you like to talk to someone?
The Parish Safeguarding Officer for St Andrew's is:
Alison Want tel: 07727 979577
Rector: Rev Stephen Winter tel:07773 760899 - email:
Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser:
Hilary Higton tel: 07495 060869 - email:
Childline 'You can talk to us about anything. No problem is too big or too small'. call us free on 0800 1111 or CLICK HERE to get in touch online.
Family Lives (formerly Parentline): 0808 800 2222 open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday and 10am – 3pm Saturday and Sunday.
Key telephone numbers for sources of help in cases of Domestic Abuse
- National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
- Legal Support (National Centre for Domestic Violence): 0844 8044 999 - provides a free, fast, emergency injunction service for victims of domestic abuse
- Male victims (Respect): 0808 801 0327
- Helpline for domestic abuse in same sex relationships: 0800 999 5428